Finished for Academic Year 2022-23! It’s a bit before the academic year normally finishes (and July tends to be nice as a wind down window in schools) but now to take some time off to sort out the new abode as I’ve just moved house.
It’s been a busy with 3 times the Genetics/Evolution sessions as the year before, including the most nerve-wracking ones of all – performing to daughter and step-daughters classes! The only worrying trend is that a lot more pupils are starting to insist their parents are bananas or slugs!

I also started down the road as a Humanists School Speaker. The first two very contrasting schools saw me take a lot on board for a new mode of delivery, and hoping for full accreditation next year. This has been immensely rewarding to do, and another way to help offer a science based viewpoint of life in a way that I was never offered in, and in fact, often nervous to openly speak about, in my own schooling years.
With (I think) 1000+ students reached overall it’s great to have stepped up a gear, and look forwards to more next year. If you are interested in having fun and educational music themed sessions at your school please have a look at the page for Singing Science For Schools – Singing Science.