Year: 2020

  • Mendel pondering

    You Must Be Mendel – Video

    This is one of the first songs I wrote with a science theme – maybe even the second. Mulling over a Geekpop virtual festival that was being run, inspiration hit as I was heading down to the Co-op to buy something. The idea popped into my head and it was pretty much all written down…


  • Join The Singing Science Planetarium!

    So labelled as I didn’t quite have the guts to call it a Fanetarium! Just sign-up with your email address!


  • Lamprey attacking a fish

    Lamprey For Your Life

    After I heard about the Eurofishion competition set up to mark World Fish Migration day in October this year, I decided to have a go at entering it. Eventually inspiration came from my time working on the Ensembl Genome Browser – the version at the time annotated each species with some text to denote the…
